This is the second post in our continuing series on the best cards that could be added to basics and commons decks, both for the C4 format and for general play. This list is meant to be a starting point to help players make the transition, as well as a resource for those who may not have played Commons or C4 before. See the first post, for a detailed methodology, and Druid, Hunter, and Mage picks.
Today we’re tackling Paladin, Priest, and Rogue. Check back later this week for the final post of this series.
[Aldor Peacekeeper]
Another hard one, but for a good reason this time. Paladin has a lot of very strong rare cards, and settling on Peacekeeper was tough. One of Paladin’s struggles in the Commons format is a lack of removal for larger creatures. While Peacekeeper isn’t true removal, it usually neutralizes a large minion sufficiently to mitigate its impact on the game. [Humility] isn’t worth spending a full card on, but when you can get that effect on a 3/3 body, all for 3 mana, it makes for a good deal.
Honorable Mentions: [Selfless Hero]/[Rallying Blade]/[Steward of Darkshire] These cards all help provide the backbone of a heavily Divine Shield-based Paladin deck. Peacekeeper really only wins out over these due to its flexibility – with critical mass of Divine Shield cards, these can all be very strong. [Equality] also deserves a mention – how can an effect that looks symmetric be so important? Well, if your guys have divine shields and theirs don’t, it’s great. If you follow it up immediately with [Consecration], it’s incredible. Even if you just trade your hero power minions for their real minions, you’re getting great value.
[Auchenai Soulpriest]
Since the game’s release, the combination of Soulpriest and [Circle of Healing] has been one of priests most reliable board clearing mechanics, dealing 4 to everything in play. The ability to use your hero power or other healing effects as removal makes this pretty clearly Priest’s top rare. Just be careful about playing [Holy Nova] while it’s in play! It may not turn out the way you’d like.
Honorable Mentions: [Wyrmrest Agent] requires a critical mass of dragons in your deck, but once you have it, a 2/4 taunt for 2 mana is excellent early defense. [Shifting Shade] is another new card from Whispers of the Old Gods, but another solid value guy – half of a [Thoughtsteal] tacked onto a 4/3 body is a solid deal for 4 mana.
[SI:7 Agent]
Another long time staple, this card is again a solid body with a good effect attached. Coined out on turn 2 to remove an early opposing play and stabilize the board, or following up on a [Backstab] or other cheap spell to enable combo, SI:7 does good work. Combine with [Shadowstep] for max value and hilarity.
Honorable Mention and Adventure Honorable Mention: [Journey Below] and [Unearthed Raptor] Journey is from Old Gods, Raptor from the League of Explorers adventure. Combined, along with some other deathrattle guys such as [Loot Hoarder] and [Southsea Squidface], they make for a pretty viable Deathrattle-based Rogue deck.
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