The Esports Professional Network is hosting another panel discussion this time with the topic gender leagues. EPN is a networking tool on Slack which connects professionals and amateurs in esports. Today, you will hear from IEL’s very own Carleigh Morgan, legal and business analyst Isabel Davies as well as experienced leader and strategic planner Shane Boulware.
After a quick introduction of today’s hosts the discussion will delve right into the main topics:
- What are gender leagues?
- What do we mean by choice league integration?
- What do we mean by complete league integration?
- What is the point of both gender segmented leagues and gender integrated leagues?
- What would choice integration look like?
- What would complete integration look like?
Join us 6PM EST over at and bring with you any questions that you have for the EPN panel.
We will also take questions from Twitch chat.
See you there!